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Acting in case of damage
- Acting in case of damage
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Should there be a case of damage, please proceed depending on the damage after described as follows:
Reporting a liability damage
If the worst-case scenario occurs and there is a third-party liability claim, then please proceed as follows:
Make a log of the circumstances of the loss and take pictures of the damage;
Per the claim form, report the damage as soon as possible (within one week). In addition, please submit the following documents in digital format promptly (after claim notification):
- a copy of the driving license of the skipper;
- If available receivables list of the injured;
- Pictures and sketches of the damage (email size max 5MB);
- In the event of an accident: The logbook and a copy of a chart with a marked route in the general average of all vehicles / persons involved and mark the site of the accident;
- In the case of charter: Charter Contract and conditions; Handover and return record.
Upon receipt of loss notification, our claims department will contact you and discuss the next steps.
Form for general claims report
Reporting a fully comprehensive damage
If the worst-case scenario occurs and there is a fully comprehensive claim, then please proceed as follows:
- Initiate damage minimized measures straight away;
- In case of robbery or any other criminal acts from a third person, please report this to the nearest police station;
- Up to an expective damage sum of 2.500 EUR, please inform us by phone (+49 (0)30 214082-20);
- Make some pictures of the entire boat (with the boat name and the part of the damage, detailed photos of the damage);
- Create an accident protocol incl. drawings and try to get the signatures of each crew member on the protocol.;
- Report the claim in our form for claims (engl. Version).
After receiving the claim from our claim team will contact you and let you know how we will proceed.
Attention: The repair of the damage can only start when the insurerer released.
Report a skipper third party damage
If the worst-case scenario occur and there is a loss under the enhanced skipper liability insurance, then please proceed as follows:
- Make a log of the circumstances of the loss and take pictures of the damage;
- Report the damage as soon as possible (within one week) per claim form;
- Please submit the following documents in digital form promptly after claim notification :
Your driver's license copy
If available: testimonies
Copy of the correspondence to the reported claims
Contact of the injured incl Phone, E-mail and address
Photos and sketches of the damage (max email size 5 MB)
Accident report to the competent authority
Upon receipt of notification of loss, our claims department will contact you and discuss the next
Report a charter damage deposit
If the worst-case scenario occur and there is a charter security deposit damage, please proceed as follows:
- Report the damage as soon as possible (within 2 working days) per claim form;
- Take pictures (entire boat with boat name and damage location, detail photos of the damage with a recognizable scale);
- Create an accident report including sketches and let you sign it as possible by all parties people;
- Submit us after notification please promptly following (within 14 days) documents:
Driving Licence copy of the skipper
Charter contract, including notes on amount of deposit
Proof of non-refunding of the deposit
Address the charter base with telephone number and email address
Pictures of the damage (email size max 5MB note)
Handover and return record
In storm damage: Proof of wind strength
For theft: Police Statement
Invoices for repair-/replacement costs
Upon receipt of notification of loss, our claims department will contact you and discuss the next Form to report Claims for Charter Deposit Insurance (English)
Report of a trip cancellation damage
In case of travel cancellation damage, please use our claim form. In addition, if you have any questions or service hotline and claim team is available 24/7 for you:
+49 (0)30 214082-20
Report a charter pice contingency claim
In case of a charter price contingency claim, please report this straight away with our form to claim@eis-insurance.com with following data:
explain the cicumstances;
copy of the charter contract;
a proof of the payment;
proof of insolvency.
Claims Department:
+49 (0)30 214082-20
In important cases our claim management can be reached round the clock, seven days a week.